Welcome to our table, where years of culinary exploration have created something special. At this table, we tell the story of a chef’s educational quest. We pay tribute to traditional Mexican cooking. We connect with our friends and family and linger blissfully long after a meal.
Great food is soulful. It forges connections and tells stories. Here’s a bit of ours.
A Texas native and third-generation Mexican- and Italian-American, Mark Ciaburri grew up in El Paso, often traveling across the border with his mom and grandmother to buy groceries in Juárez. While honing his culinary career in Austin, he dove head-first into the dynamic and diverse world of regional Mexican cuisine, all the while unintentionally exploring his past through his palate.
There’s nothing like a chef obsessed. Mark was captivated by the cuisine’s storied traditions and fresh flavors. He immersed himself in the ingredients, techniques, and recipes that make it so distinctive—and markedly different from the Tex Mex fare surrounding him. Over time, batch by batch, he developed his own personal contributions to the long and rich tradition of Mexican cooking.
Those recipes—and our products—are defined by their integrity of ingredients and process. Some are bright and light. Others, velvety, rich, and nuanced. Their construction is meticulous. Their vibrancy invites questions and prompts conversations. All are crafted, bottled, and shared in small batches in Charleston, South Carolina. Together, they honor the Spanish tradition that is our namesake: Sobremesa.

Meet Us
Thank you for joining us on our journey to share the vibrant flavors of Mexico with home cooks.
Want to see where you can find us around town?

If you’ve found yourself sitting at a table surrounded by friends and family, leaning back after a good meal and soaking in your full-bellied bliss with a smile, you have experienced Sobremesa.
Sobremesa is about taking time—to gather with friends and family, to slow down and look around, to enjoy the moment. We believe in Sobremesa, and we hope our products might play a part in bringing it into your home.